Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pesty Ants in a Green Environment

It has been raining cows and hogs here in the Bay Area for the last two weeks, almost non-stop! Therefore, I've had several visitors who have just made themselves at home. Of course ants will find their way into one's home mainly for two reasons: food and warmth. I keep my home immaculate, so I knew it could not have been for food. Obviously due to the weather conditions, it was definitely the latter. And it was just my luck that they were present in both my office and along the wall by my sliding door. Going green has taught me to no longer use it's soap and water. This is the eco friendly tactic to use to kill these pests and keep them away without the toxic chemicals, which I would be forced to inhale as well. I have tried it a couple of times so far and it has worked very effectively. Go green!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lighten The Stress Load

Let's face it...I haven't always gone green. But each day I realize more and more how much of a green environment we live in, and yes...even in Bay Area 'burbs.' If you're new to going green, here are a few green living tips on how to go green to make for a stress free life: 1) Begin using green products, especially those used for cleaning. I use Natural Selects All Purpose Cleaner, Glass Cleaner and Laundry Soap. They work extremely well, but without the harsh smells and eye burning sensations. You get the same effect, but with longevity!: 2) Definitely know your city's recycling system/program: 3) Make sure you buy groceries from a store which recycles the bags they use. 4) Use CFL bulbs - compact fluorescent light - instead of incandescent light bulbs. These are just a few eco friendly tactics you can use to get started on living the green life. They are simple and you will have less stress and more health in your daily lives.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Green Living

Green living has really taken hold and has gone mainstream in the last couple of years. More and more people are recycling, but that’s not it. There are homeowners who are going totally green from heating their homes to the foods they eat and everything and anything they can do naturally. Green living is easy with Pure Selects products from laundry soap to hand soap. All products are free of dye and chemicals including SLS or ALS. Made from biodegradable formulas, these products come in recycled containers. What’s more interesting is that the consumer can elect to add enhancers such as extra shine, botanicals, fragrances or aloe, creating their own custom product. Other great ideas for green living is Natural Visions soaps containing olive oil, coconut oil and soybean oil. The soaps are not only green but are hand crafted by soap artisans. They are available in 18 fragrances to add style to any bathroom. But green living is not just for external joy, you can be green inside as well. Natural Visions Mind, Body and Soul products deliver pure products to your body. Mind super drink not only fortify your body but can prevent major diseases all while being green. This super drink contains the strongest natural antioxidants and is enhanced with 120 plant derived vitamins as well as minerals. Utilizing the patented glyconutrient enriched aloe vera delivery system, Mind packs power into each one ounce service with acai berry, noni berry, pomegranate, grape seed extract, mangosteen, gogi berry, green tea extract, aloe vera, blueberry, muscadine grape, vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6 & B12 as well as the 120 plant derived vitamins and minerals. Natural Visions Body contains probiotics, fish oil, pure south African Hoodia, digestive enzymes, amino acids, and whey protein isolate blend. Supercharged with 100 vitamins and minerals with only 1 gram of fat and 8 grams of carbohydrates per servicing. The formula curbs your appetite and fills you up. Body helps you to lose or maintain a healthy weight with green products that are pure and healthy for you. Natural Visions Soul contains 11 grasses and grains, 72 plant derived vitamins and minerals, 7 algae and sea weed, 11 fruits and vegetables, 4 enzymes, 4 herbs, 10 probiotics and aloe vera. Taking four capsules with each meal equals 10 full servings of vegetables and fruits, the daily recommended allotment. There is a way to go green for your mind, body and soul and everything you touch. All it takes is some research and some imagination. Not only save the earth, but save your health as well.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Carbon Footprint

I am still learning more and more about the topic of carbon footprints and the more I do, the more I realize I have been contributing to the reduction on such CO2 levels most of my life. Just the mere fact that as a child, I can remember my mother always hounding me to turn off the lights when I left a room, cut the water off even in between squeezing toothpaste onto my toothbrush and rinsing it off, cutting off the TV or computer when I wasn't using it, and now, unplugging the phone charger when not in use. It just makes sense. It's the little things like these and recycling that will emerge into the greater reduction of energy consumption that will make a huge difference for our planet!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What Is Green Living?

How would I describe 'green living'? In my own is utilizing less of nature's resources and making do with what we have. Many of us use the terms, "Sustainable Living" and "Green Living" interchangeably. Even though it is operating with less so that we can respect the earth's Eco system, it doesn't mean we must be unhappy in these sacrificial practices. Green living is a necessity for the entire world, especially at this time of global warming.

In actuality, green living can make us happier, due to the fact we have less materials to deal with. For example: recycling makes for a lighter and less busy existence. When we recycle, we not only lessen our trips to the super market, but we also cut down on garbage/clutter, which environmentally boosts our spirits; and studies show, when we operate in cleaner environments, we are holistically happier!